My album, Truly Human Being, is available now!

Clarissa Peress is a Student of the Stars, a Singer-Songwriter, and a lyricist at Berklee College of Music in Boston, Massachusetts.

Let’s Create Together

Walk away with a song on your first session.

The first session is free and if you choose to collaborate again we can discuss a price together:)

I employ a co-writing style of deep listening, reflecting, playing with rhymes, and mirroring what you are communicating in order to create meaningful lyrics and music we love. I play the guitar and piano!

I have been writing songs since I could hold a pencil and promise that together we will create something you are proud of. I have years of experience and I feel confident in my abilities. More importantly, I simply enjoy this process deeply.

Rare collectors Item

Take home a CD of Truly Human Being

Only 200 copies ever made…

Great Holiday Present for a truly human being of any age

Learn about my services

  • Have you wanted to write a song you’re proud of but don’t know where to begin? I sit with people and help facilitate your creation process by assisting with writing music and lyrics. I will follow your lead and listen to your story and help support the creation of your own music.

  • As a music student myself at Berklee College of Music I know how scary taking these first steps can be when learning to sing, play an instrument, or write a song. I am confident that I can teach you the tools to create music and find your voice and style. I teach voice lessons, guitar, and lyric writing. I make our lessons fun, productive and fueled by your own inspiration and joy.

  • Can be done via Zoom, email, or in-person. Let’s write together! Maybe you already have pages of lyrics but don’t know how to weave them into a song. Maybe you’re stuck on the second line. I am here to help you find your musical flow. I also work with people whose first language is not English. English is a difficult language to write poetry and songs in but together we can keep your ideas and heart as is and translate in a way that reaches all who hear your voice.

“I came out of the Earth just to speak with you”

“Many Ways of Knowing”

Upcoming Shows

Nothing planned yet! But will update when things change.

New Album Has Arrived

Truly Human Being is an album about breaking through the layers of life’s frozen oceans and discovering warmth and light amongst the heartbreak. Inspired by Persian poetry from the great writers Hafiz, Lal Ded, and Rumi, these songs document the opening of our human heart into a love strong enough to blow the mind and dissolve right back into the universe. Inspired by my years in Eugene, Oregon working for an apple orchard called Slo Farms. You have my heart for ever ya dang apples.

“Who decides, who designs the intricacies involved in each of our lives? It’s more than me. There’s more than you. There’s a world outside of our heads and we’re just passing through.”

-The Great Design, Clarissa Peress


From her high school band “Zenny Cake” to her solo projects now, Clarissa’s obsession with interdependent originality comes through in her raw and heartfelt lyrics. Questioning what is expected of her from the world of entertainment, she has a deep faith in her art as something larger than herself. A meaningful process that allows her to explore HerSelf, Her unconscious realms, and the universes within and beyond.


“I give you permission to let your heart break, and a prayer that time will ease your pain. I can see in the dark, tears sparkle on your cheek like stars, just know those tears turn into art.”


“I am the world within your eyes, A dream just on the other side, The truth to you and to you a lie, I am the proof of heart to change the mind.”

Many Ways of knowing

“We ate the fruit cause the fruit was ripe. The juice it gave us energy. Explored me till you found I was made of light and bringing me here was your destiny.”